White Grape Recovery Oil

White Grape Recovery Oil

  • $32.00
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The first in a line of Recovery Oils. This gentle, "nut-free", ALL-NATURAL WHITE GRAPE oil blend is powered by Cypress and Organic Lemongrass - to relieve inflammation, sinus congestion, muscle soreness, restore the pH of the scalp, and acute headaches. Formulated with your sensitive skin in mind.
All Natural Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Cypress Essential Oil, and Organic Lemongrass.
Recommended Usage — 
                     Sore Muscle Massage/ Cramps
                     Chest Congestion/ Rub
                     Scalp Recovery/ Dandruff 
                     Tight Joints/ Knee Pain
                     Acute Headaches
                     Restless Leg Syndrome

How To Use — 
    1.  Massage desired amount directly onto clean skin/ problem areas

This item is not currently available for Bulk Orders. 

Charles Warren Presents products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Test each product on small portion of skin before usage.