Sweet Ginger Vapor Rub

Sweet Ginger Vapor Rub

  • $24.00
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Charles Warren's SWEET GINGER VAPOR RUB sticks are powered by an oil blend of Ginger, Peppermint and Eucalyptus oils - to provide congestion and sore muscle/ joint pain relief - by utilizing their natural anti-inflammatory properties.
All Natural Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Beeswax, Shea Butter, Cupuacu Butter, Eucalyptus, Ginger, and Peppermint.
Recommended Usage — 
                     Sore Muscle Massage/ Cramps
                     Chest Congestion/ Rub
                     Tight Joints/ Knees
                     Acute Headaches
                     Moisturize Dry/ Flaky Skin

How To Use — 
    1.  Rub desired amount onto finger tips or rub stick directly onto clean skin
    2.  Massage tight problem area or onto temples for Acute Headache relief

Never eat or swallow

Ask a doctor before using this if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Children: Do not use vapor rub on children under 4 years old. Essential oils can have negative effects on young children. Always spot test and use caution with children between 4 and 6.

Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 5 days, or if you have a fever, rash, or headaches.

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This item is available for Bulk Orders. Receive a discount when you purchase 40 or more. Contact us, sales@charleswarrenpresents.com today!

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This item is unavailable during SUMMER months; June, July, and August. Due to extreme temperatures.

Charles Warren Presents products have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Test each product on small portion of skin before usage.